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Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing
By Nick James, Serious About Six Figures™ Founder
The best place to get started with your own profitable information publishing business is to request your FREE COPY of “Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing.”

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  • The Four Strategies you can use to create a $100K per year online business.
  • The Zero-Cost Marketing Method they never teach at ‘business school’ but could easily be how 80% of your customers find your products.
  • The Walt Disney Principle that built a multi-billion dollar corporation and the effect it could have on your own entrepreneurial success.

And more!

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Category: Grow Your Income

Grow Your Income
Is Your Business Ready for 2025? Here’s Your Wake-Up Call…

Have you ever watched a squirrel preparing for winter? It’s fascinating. Day after day, they gather nuts, check their storage spots, and make adjustments to their nests. They’re not just randomly collecting – they’re methodically preparing for what’s ahead. Now, here’s a question that might make you squirm: Are you being as strategic about your […]

Grow Your Income
Don't Be 'this guy' ... There's always Pride Before a Fall...
Pride Comes Before A Fall

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing someone who has enjoyed success and is on the brink of enjoying more, suddenly, without warning, throw the towel in because they were having a bit of an off-day. Off-days happen to the best of us. I get it… you wake up one morning and things look a little […]

Grow Your Income
Oprah - Everyone Gets A Newsletter!
Becoming Oprah… Why You Need To Publish A Newsletter

In a previous article, I mentioned that successful and wealthy people are successful and wealthy because of the amount of value they give to other people’s lives. Take Google for example… Google (under the umbrella name of Alphabet Inc) is an internet and software service business that is worth a colossal $1.30 trillion. I cannot […]

Build Your List
Nick James Holding Direct Mail Envelopes
Five Reasons To Use This Old School Marketing Method.

As technology evolves and makes things a lot easier for more people… it also makes things a lot more confusing and complicated. A prime example of this is online advertising. Online advertising has opened the floodgates and given virtually anyone the opportunity to run advertising campaigns online sending people to web pages and sales pages. […]

Grow Your Income
If You Believe This Myth… You Need To STOP Right Now!
If You Believe This Myth… You Need To STOP Right Now!

“If things don’t improve, we shall close down production here in the UK and move production to China where they can do the work cheaper and produce more.” That was the threat given to the staff of a UK company by ‘the big boss’ who had traveled personally from headquarters in ‘deepest’ darkest Europe. The […]

Grow Your Income
How I Banked $4,516.68 With A Simple Dime Sale

Recently, I banked an impressive $4,516.68 setting up a quick dime sale offer for a new product I had created. Well, I say new product, it was a newish product created from content that I had previously created together with a quick 40-minute video Kate and I recorded in our living room, sat in front […]

Grow Your Income
The Best Kept Secrets Of A Profitable Launch!

I am pretty sure that you have heard of Jeff Walker and his infamous ability to generate hundreds of thousands from product launches. I’m pretty sure he is credited with making a million dollars overnight doing a new product launch. It is all pretty impressive and I won’t take anything away from Jeff as he […]

Grow Your Income
Which Style Of Product Launch Is Right For You?

Over the last couple of weeks, we have received a higher-than-average number of questions from customers and subscribers asking us what it really takes to release or ‘launch’ a new information product online. When it comes to launching new products, there are two schools of thought. Both methods are fine. There is no right or […]