Author: Nick James

Grow Your Income
Is Your Business Ready for 2025? Here’s Your Wake-Up Call…

Have you ever watched a squirrel preparing for winter? It’s fascinating. Day after day, they gather nuts, check their storage spots, and make adjustments to their nests. They’re not just randomly collecting – they’re methodically preparing for what’s ahead. Now, here’s a question that might make you squirm: Are you being as strategic about your […]

Email Marketing
The Hidden Cost Of Going Silent With Your Audience
The Hidden Cost Of Going Silent With Your Audience

Have you ever noticed how quickly people forget about you online? It’s a bit like that friend who moves to another city. At first, you stay in regular contact. Then the messages become less frequent. Eventually, you realize it’s been months since you last spoke. The same thing happens with your online business – but […]

The No 1 Way For Ordinary Every Day People To Earn A Passive Income

It is true; some people enjoy going to work. They enjoy spending their days working with certain people. But for most people, they’d rather not have to exchange their precious time for money. They’d rather spend their days doing the things they enjoy. Going back to those who love their jobs… they may love what […]

Grow Your Income
Don't Be 'this guy' ... There's always Pride Before a Fall...
Pride Comes Before A Fall

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing someone who has enjoyed success and is on the brink of enjoying more, suddenly, without warning, throw the towel in because they were having a bit of an off-day. Off-days happen to the best of us. I get it… you wake up one morning and things look a little […]

Grow Your Income
Oprah - Everyone Gets A Newsletter!
Becoming Oprah… Why You Need To Publish A Newsletter

In a previous article, I mentioned that successful and wealthy people are successful and wealthy because of the amount of value they give to other people’s lives. Take Google for example… Google (under the umbrella name of Alphabet Inc) is an internet and software service business that is worth a colossal $1.30 trillion. I cannot […]

Generate Traffic
Email War
The Great Inbox War: Battle For Email Supremacy

I love email marketing, it has made me many millions over the recent years, so what I am about to say may come as a bit of a surprise to you. Email marketing is wonderful… but when someone unsubscribes from your email list or requests to stop receiving emails from you… you have no way […]

Build Your List
Nick James Holding Direct Mail Envelopes
Five Reasons To Use This Old School Marketing Method.

As technology evolves and makes things a lot easier for more people… it also makes things a lot more confusing and complicated. A prime example of this is online advertising. Online advertising has opened the floodgates and given virtually anyone the opportunity to run advertising campaigns online sending people to web pages and sales pages. […]

Grow Your Income
If You Believe This Myth… You Need To STOP Right Now!
If You Believe This Myth… You Need To STOP Right Now!

“If things don’t improve, we shall close down production here in the UK and move production to China where they can do the work cheaper and produce more.” That was the threat given to the staff of a UK company by ‘the big boss’ who had traveled personally from headquarters in ‘deepest’ darkest Europe. The […]