In this report you are going to learn how you can build a six-figure info business or just simply generate six figures by selling just one book.
This can be either a physical book or an ebook. In the past, I have grown my info business selling physical books that I ship to customers’ homes. Or simply by selling digitally downloadable books that your customers can download from your website immediately after making their purchase.
There are pros and cons for both methods, but for this report we shall focus more on the digital book method because it reduces your costs and does not require you to manually fulfill customer orders. Likewise, today people today are used to getting access to their purchases immediately whereas when you physically ship books to customers, it generally takes the books a few days to arrive.
The digital publishing model has become extremely popular over recent years, this is because anyone can get started in this business for just a few dollars and it’s extremely easy to set everything up.
A book is not an expensive purchase either. The recommended price to sell the book is less than $20. You can maybe charge more depending on the content of the book but ideally, the cheaper it is the better it is. as this will help you to build a customer list much faster.
I sold over 10,000 copies of the book (below) which I am now giving away for free* (plus S&H), which went on to generate over $150,000 in sales in less than a year.
So how can selling just one cheap book earn you six figures or grow into a six figure a year business?
Click Here To Get Your Own FREE Copy Of My Best Selling Book
The One Book Six Figure Funnel
You might be a bit skeptical because we all know how hard it is to become a successful author. You cannot write just one book and make six figures… well you can, some people have done it but it is incredibly rare.
But that is where the big difference lies. The book in question is not a fiction book and you are not going to be a fiction writer.
The book is an information product that helps solve a problem someone is having and if you do it so that you are the author you get the added bonus of being seen as the expert and gaining a kind of celebrity status which brings its own rewards.
Being seen as an industry expert is incredibly powerful, just ask Russell Brunson and Jim Edwards. They are the Apple of their industry… People will pay over the odds to buy their products even though you can learn or do the same strategies for less money elsewhere.
Over the coming months, I’ll write a special report about the power of positioning yourself as an expert
That one book becomes the entry product to a well-planned out marketing funnel that has several other higher-priced products waiting in the wings to be offered to customers later on.
The other products will contain additional relevant, useful information to what was originally covered in the book and help the reader achieve the next level of transformation or reach the next goal in their business..
The price of the initial book is really only there to cover advertising costs.
To grow the book into a six-figure business you will need to scale up the selling of the book. In doing so you will need to run cheap adverts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Or perhaps find places to run your advert offline via low cost classified ads.
You should not expect to make any money from the sale of the book itself. If anything, you may make a small loss. But that is ok… Because your profit will come from the sales you make offering additional products to your customers AFTER they have purchased and read your book.
The Profit Is In The Back End
Your book funnel will have a series of additional products set up to be ‘automatically introduced’ to your customers in the time that follows their initial purchase.
There maybe be a couple – or more – products that will be offered immediately after the point of purchase when someone actually buys the book, (these are usually referred to as upsells) and then others that will be offered by email/letter several days, weeks and months later (these are referred to as back-end sales).
You see, when someone buys a book from you online via a book funnel (like the one I am describing), they are first going to be asked to give your their email address so that they can be emailed the book itself or perhaps given a link to a page where they can download the digital book.
Once they have given you their email address, they’re then automatically added to an ‘optin email list’ which the bookseller (you) can then send regular email messages to containing other useful information and together with links to the other relevant back-end product opportunities.
Mastering The Initial Upsell Opportunity
Before we continue, let’s return to the idea of offering the book buyer the opportunity to immediately purchase additional comlimentary items at the same time as making their initial request/purchase of the book.
As buyers are going through the checkout process, you can also set up an ‘order bump’ (also called an OB) or perhaps a ‘one-time offer’ (also called an OTO) to be shown immediately after the customer has completed their first purchase. The idea is that the customer is immediately given the opportunity to purchase additional complementary products at the exact time they are most likely to say “yes” to them.
Just like how you’re given the opportunity to Supersize your order or buy an ApplePie and a McFlurry when you’re ordering your Big Mac at the Golden Arches DriveThru.
While not everyone will buy these additional offers a considerable percentage of customers (around one in three) will take you up on your offer to get their hands on additional information, which as I am sure you’re aware will end up putting more money into your pocket.
Working together, these order bumps, one-time offers and back-end sales will ensure you get a healthy return on investment (ROI) from your initial investment in advertising. You will now be making a profit instead of breaking even or making a slight loss.
So now you have made a profit selling your one ebook, and you now have a customer list to sell other products too in the future.
As I mentioned earlier, the additional products in the marketing funnel need to be relevant to what’s being taught in the book’s content. So if the book was about ‘writing profitable sales letters’, you should make sure that the other additional items in the funnel are closely related to the same goal/topic.
How A Successful Six-Figure Book Funnel Might Look
Please note, this is an example. Prices and the amounts of offers vary due to the individual choice of the funnel owner.
Point of purchase:
Book – How To Write A ‘Killer Sales Letter’ In A Weekend – $9.95
OB – The Killer Sales Letter Fill-In-The-Blanks Template – $19 (A hotsheet of pre-written transition phrases to help you flow from one idea in your sales letter to the next faultlessly)
OTO1 – The Successful Sales Letter Writers Swipe File & Tool Kit – $47 (A collection of successful sales letters in PDF form and additional PDF information such as 101 Words That Sell Like Crazy and 101 Killer Headline Templates)
OTO2 – How To Maximise Your Profits With A Sales Funnel Training Manual + videos $97 (Mini course on building a funnel)
OTO3 – Sales Letter & Funnel Web Page Templates Bundle $197(Page templates to upload to a website)
Emailed follow-up products:
How To Become A Highly Paid Copywriter Writing Killer Copy For Others– $97
1 Hour Online Copy Critique Call – $197
How To Write Copy That Sells Advanced Online Training Course – $1,997
Full Year One-On-One Sales Letter Writing Mentorship – $9,997
(Sales letters like the one found here can take as little as a day to write but can generate more than a year’s wage.)
It’s All About The Power Of Numbers
Imagine that you spent $12,000 running ads and from those ads you had 1,000 people buy the initial book, you would have generated $9,950 in sales leaving you with a loss of $2,050.
But that ad spend has given you a list of 1,000 who have bought from you. And if your book is written in a way that it shows the reader that you do indeed know what you are saying and doing… it will lead to other sales over the weeks and month’s ahead as a result of the emails and letters you send to book buyers.
Also, at the point of purchase, book buyers are shown the ‘order bumps’ and ‘one time offers’ that you have set up. What if you had just 50 people out of the 1,000 that buy your book to also decide to buy one or more of your additional products?
Let’s say that all 100 (10%) buy your order bump at $19. That now adds another $1900 to your income reducing your initial loss to just $150.
Now, what if another 30 of that 100 went on to buy your first ‘one time offer’ at $47? You would now have generated an additional $1,410 giving you an overall profit on your ad spend of $1,260.
Everything after this point is now profit.
But, let’s also say that 20 people bought the OTO2 at a cost of $97 and 10 people bought the OTO3 at a price of $197.
That now gives you a further $3,910 profit to add to the other $1,260. That would be a total profit from the point of purchase offers of $5,170.
This does not take into consideration any further back-end sales from your follow-up emails and letters in your marketing funnel that you set up to be automatically sent out to all book buyers over the following weeks and months.
You Don’t Need Many Sales Of Your Other Products To Hit Six Figures
You may only get a couple of people from that initial 1,000 customers to buy the one-on-one mentorship product at $9,997, but because those two people came from the same ad spend you have already accounted for, you will now have added a further $19,994 to the profit which has come from the sale of that one $9.95 Book.
This is only a hypothetical example but you need to realize that the additional products in the marketing funnel can be bought at any time and not always in a specific order.
For example: Someone who buys the book only and does not buy any of the products offered at the point of purchase, (as order bumps or one-time-offers) may purchase other products from your emails and letters at a later time.
Perhaps after reading and consuming your book and then receiving your follow-up emails they will have realized that you know what they want to learn and that your products will be worth investing their money on.
The initial book sale had 50 people buy the other products offered at the point of purchase, but after the other 950 people have finished reading the book and read several of your emails, you may end up with a further 100 people (or more) buying those additional products which you are promoting via email/letter to your customer list.
Reinvest Your Profits And Scale Up
And here are another couple of important points to remember:
1 – You will reuse some of your profits to keep on advertising your book and so you will increase the number of sales and grow your email list which will result in more sales. Your email list may grow into tens of thousands of buyers. Imagine just 1% of 10,000 book buyers investing in your $1,997 product, you will have generated $199,700 in sales with that one offer. That right, there is your six-figure business right off the back of a simple $9.95 book
You can add as many additional products to your follow-up marketing funnel as you like, including for example the products you had previously offered as ‘order bumps’ and ‘one time offers’ but with one important difference, you’ve now retitled them and also bundled them together with further fresh information in order to make another exclusive offer. There is nothing wrong with repurposing your content to make yet another product offering that you can perhaps sell for $197 or $297.
2 – It doesn’t matter what price you sell these additional products for once they are repurposed and combined together because they have already been created. It would only require very little extra effort to turn them into a fresh new looking product. They are essentially the same product but with a different name.
Yes, you will need to create the other products, which shouldn’t be too hard to do when you know a subject well, but you are still essentially building a six figure business off the back of one single $9.95 book.
3 – The 1 Hour Online Client Critique Call would not be a hard product to facilitate. If you are a successful expert in your subject matter. You simply offer a face-to-face Zoom/Skype call where your customer can ask you any questions and you can provide insights and ideas for maximizing the effectiveness of whatever they’re trying to accomplish – based on your own experiences.
If your product was about web building or email marketing or writing children’s books, you can easily offer a 1 hour call where you give more personal advice tailored to each customer’s specific requirements.
When you know a business, industry or niche inside out, it isn’t hard to create several books and marketing funnels full of congruent products.
With a bit of careful planning you can create your own six figure book funnel in just a matter of weeks. It’s certainly a lot better than the alternative which is to write book after book and then try selling them for between $5 and $20 on Amazon.
Is there any business, industry, or niche that you know well enough which could be the start of your six-figure business?
If you would like to learn more about setting up and running your own six-figure-a-year information publishing business and perhaps you’d also like to experience firsthand walking through one of my own book funnels then click here to request your copy of Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing and just pay a small contribution towards the cost of the shipping and handling.
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